ERA-Net E-Rare – two projects with approved Swiss partners

E-Rare launched its 7th call for "Transnational Research Projects on Rare Diseases" in 2015. Swiss researchers are participating in 2 of the 19 projects.

​E-Rare is a coordination action supported by the European Commission under the ERA-Net scheme. It aims at maximising the efficiency and impact of research on rare diseases by developing a common research policy, as well as promoting actions to foster multidisciplinary projects, improve transnational access to research infrastructures, and gather patient cohorts and related biological material on a European scale.

Funding organisations and ministries from 18 countries participated in the 7th E-Rare call in 2015. E-Rare partner organisations are able to fund 19 proposals in total, 2 of which have sub-projects based in Switzerland starting in 2016. The SNSF supports these projects with CHF 515,000.

The successful projects are:

  • "Patient-derived glial precursor cell therapy for vanishing white matter disease" – CH partner: Gerald Schwank, ETHZ
  • "Netherton syndrome; from mechanisms to therapies" – CH partner: Christian, Heinis, EPFL