Call for proposals: analysis of the category "use-inspired basic research" at the SNSF

Hirnaktivität der Versuchsperson wird mit Elektroenzephalografie-Helm aufgezeichnet.

The SNSF is issuing a call for proposals to study the handling of the category "use-inspired basic research". This is a public call.

The SNSF introduced the category "use-inspired basic research" in summer 2011 as part of its regular project funding scheme. The aim was to take account of strongly application-oriented projects and ensure that they are evaluated appropriately.

Since 2011 approximately 2000 research projects – or 20% of all submitted applications – have been declared "use-inspired".

Five years after the introduction of this category, the SNSF is issuing a call for proposals to study the handling of use-inspired projects. An important part of the study will involve analysing, on the one hand, the understanding of the concept of "use-inspired basic research" among researchers and members of evaluation committees and, on the other hand, reviewing the evaluation process for use-inspired projects at the SNSF.

This is a public call aimed primarily at agencies specialised in the evaluation of science policy. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 30 May 2016.