First call of the modified Sinergia programme: 21 projects approved

The SNSF will fund 21 new Sinergia projects involving collaboration between research groups with a total amount of CHF 38 million.

Researchers in 99 disciplines submitted a total of 96 Sinergia proposals to the SNSF by 1 June 2016. The disciplines in question are distributed across the different research areas as follows: 19% humanities and social sciences; 38% mathematics, natural and engineering sciences; 43% biology and medicine. With 21 projects obtaining a grant, the success rate corresponded to 22%.

All in all, the applicants had requested financial resources amounting to CHF 202 million. The funds requested in the approved proposals were cut back by 14% on average. 90% of the grantees work at a university or ETH, 6% at a university of applied sciences and 4% at a research centre.

With its Sinergia grants, the SNSF promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between two to four research groups whose projects involve breakthrough research.

Sinergia – interdisciplinary, collaborative and breakthrough