2017-2018 Belmont Forum / BiodivERsA joint call: “Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”

The Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA are launching the 2017-2018 joint call for funding international transdisciplinary research projects on scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The call will address the two following major (non-exclusive) priorities:

  • Development and application of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services across spatial scales of relevance to multiple types of decisions
  • Consideration of multiple dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services in biodiversity scenarios

The aim of this call is to promote innovative research for more informed decision-making by developing scenarios of biodiversity change and its associated ecosystem services, resulting from the complex interaction of socio-economic and global environmental trends. It focuses on foresight views up to 50 years ahead for managing biodiversity, ecosystem services and their contributions to human well-being. The call will contribute to international research programmes, assessment bodies and multi-lateral environmental agreements.

Interested researchers are requested to contact the SNSF Administrative Offices to clarify eligibility issues before submitting a pre-proposal.

For further details, please refer to the programme’s official website.The submission deadline for pre-proposals is 1 December 2017.