NRP 34 "Complementary Medicine"

​The objective of the National Research Programme "Complementary Medicine" (NRP 34) was to learn more about the phenomenon of complementary medicine. In view of the limited funding available, the Swiss National Science Foundation set the following research priorities: an analysis of the reasons for the spreading of complementary medicine in Switzerland, the social and economic importance of complementary medicine, and finally the development of methods that would enable the effectiveness of complementary medicine to be investigated.

Facts and figures

Overall budget

CHF 6,000,000

President of the Expert Group

Felix Frey

Programme Director

Peter Baumann, K. von Berlepsch

Completion of research work


Final reports

Komplementärmedizin aus der Sicht der Wissenschaft. Bericht der Expertengruppe zum Nationalen Forschungsprogramm 34, Komplementärmedizin, 1992-1998. Karger, Basel Freiburg, 6, S1, 99,65 S. ISBN-3-8055-6837-1. Zu bestellen beim Nationalfonds, Abt. IV.
Médecines complémentaires: point de vue de la science. Rapport du groupe d'experts du Programme national de recherche 34, Médecines complémenteaires, 1992-1998. Médecine et Hygiène, Genève, 2000, ISBN 2-88049-136-3.

Research reports (in German; PDF, 79 KB) (PDF)