NRP 10 "Education and Acting in Society and Professional Life"

The National Research Programme “Education and Acting in Society and Professional Life” (NRP 10) pursued the aim of helping to improve non-academic vocational training in Switzerland. It was hoped the project would provide new insights into:

  • the subjective experiences of traineeships and work, both among school pupils and apprentices and among those teaching in vocational schools and master tradesmen responsible for teaching trainees;
  • the behavioural characteristics of individuals engaged in vocational training and individuals acting at the workplace and in public;
  • the characteristics of training institutions and the labour situation, their positive and negative effects on the progression of training; and
  • the subjective and objective characteristics of transitional processes between training situations and the world of work.

In particular, the programme was concerned with recording the conditions that lead to changes in individuals’ experiences and behaviours and the institutional training situation.
In the scope of this programme, there was a specific target of promoting young researchers and further education, with the intention of expanding the existing research capacity.

Facts and figures

Overall grant

CHF 8,000,000

President of the Expert Group

Werner Lustenberger

Programme Director

Gerhard Steiner

Completion of research work


Final reports

  • G. Steiner, D. Villiger, Aspekte der Berufsbildungsforschung, Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprogramm EVA des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds über die nichtakademische Berufsbildung, Verlag Sauerländer, Aarau, Reihe Berufspädagogik, 1986
  • Aspects de la formation professionnelle; Résultats du programme national "Education et vie active (EVA)" concernant la formation professionnelle non-académique, Institut de psychologie de l'Université de Bâle, 1987