Randomisation in research funding
The SNSF is co-organising a specialist event on 1 December 2021. It will be held in hybrid mode.
Drawing of lots and other randomised approaches are becoming increas-ingly important in research funding. The SNSF, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and the Research on Research Institute (RoRI) are jointly organising an event to discuss the latest findings from various decision-making experiments.
It will be held on Wednesday, 1 December 2021 from 09:30 to 12:30 in Bern.
At the event, RoRI will present a handbook it has written on this topic. A new study shows why research funders sometimes use random proce-dures when awarding grants. Presentations by the SNSF, Evaconsult, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and other organisations will give participants an overview of ongoing trials.