A wide range of postdoctoral careers: challenges and opportunities


Improving prospects for early-career researchers is one of the SNSF’s main objectives. Interim results of a comprehensive study are now available. They shed light on the careers of postdocs who submitted a funding application in 2018.

The SNSF commissioned a cohort study (Career Tracker Cohorts, CTC) to gain more insights into the careers of early-career researchers. Since 2018, postdocs who have applied for funding from the SNSF have been surveyed as part of the study.

The first people to take part in this study were applicants to mobility grants in autumn 2018 (CTC-18 cohort). This data story sheds light on the careers of these early-career researchers. What would become of them in 2022? We will follow the journeys of Valentina and Marco (fictional characters).