NCCR "IM2 – Interactive Multimodal Information Management" (2001-2013)
NCCR Director: Prof. Hervé Bourlard (2001-2013)
Home Institution: Idiap, Martigny
Research in the NCCR and major results
The NCCR IM2 aimed to address in a fully integrated way the multiple facets of “interactive multimodal information management”. Ultimately, the goal was to develop multimodal interfaces that could flexibly accommodate a wide range of users, tasks and environments for which any single mode (text, sound, image, gesture, etc.) may not suffice. IM2 was among the pioneers in the development of advanced multimodal processing and multimedia document indexing and retrieval. It also greatly contributed to new trends in human-to-human communication modeling and understanding, multimodal social signal processing, and evaluation of the resulting complex systems. The strongest research areas of IM2 were speech recognition, computer vision, browsing and analysis of meetings, dialogue management, document retrieval and multimodality in general. The «smart meeting room», which was the showcase application of IM2, was a very good point of union for these different fields.