Networking of researchers across Europe: COST funds 70 new Actions
Networks of cultural experts, beekeepers and brain tumour specialists: The COST Scientific Committee has selected 70 Actions. Swiss applicants are participating in 37 of the funded Actions.
The COST programme promotes the networking of science and technology research activities in Europe and beyond. 70 Actions were selected in the first round of awards in 2023. This represents a success rate of 18.7%. Swiss applicants are involved in 37 research networks among the funded Actions.
Wide-ranging benefits of networks
The 70 Actions include a network that aims to create a pool of up-and-coming experts to satisfy demand for cultural expertise. A network that aims to translate scientific findings on brain tumours more rapidly into improved clinical treatments is also being funded. In addition, a sustainable agriculture Action is being funded. It brings together a broad range of beekeeping stakeholders to further raise awareness of the importance of bees and honey. The number of bees is declining in Europe (as elsewhere) and in some areas they are even endangered.
What is the aim of the COST Actions?
Switzerland is one of the founding countries of COST and a full member of the association. This status allows researchers in Switzerland to participate in COST Actions, or to coordinate them, and to submit applications for new Actions.
The programme aims to enable innovative scientific advances that facilitate new concepts and products. COST brings together European researchers so that they can jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives in all fields of science and technology within a pan-European cooperation framework.
The activities take the form of networks called COST Actions. Actions last for four years. COST does not fund the research itself, but encourages networking through meetings, short-term scientific exchanges, training schools and dissemination activities. Together these make up the Actions "toolbox".
Easy participation and next registration deadline
The new COST Actions and those currently in progress are open for participation by researchers and experts affiliated to institutions in Switzerland. To take part in an Action, contact the participants in the Action concerned and find out about working groups and planned activities. You can register in a working group for a specific COST Action directly on the COST website. To participate in the Management Committee of an Action, send a statement of interest and your CV to the SNSF. You can find all options, detailed conditions and a template for the statement of interest on the COST page of the SNSF website (LINK?). COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (
The submission deadline for the new COST Actions is 25 October 2023.