2020 series
Home institution: University of Basel
Quantum computers are capable of solving complex problems far beyond what present-day computers can achieve, thus holding great potential for society. In the race to develop a quantum computer, there are currently a range of different physical realizations of a quantum bit of information (qubit).
The main goal of the National Centre of Competence in Research "Spin Qubits in Silicon" (NCCR SPIN) is to develop small, fast, and scalable spin qubits in silicon and germanium, exploring the fundamental quantum physics of the qubits and architecture. The semiconductor industry has been using microchips (transistors) made of silicon for a long time. This technology has now reached such a level of sophistication that the smallest particles (electrons) control transistors. NCCR Spin aims to utilise and further develop the advantages of this highly developed technology.
Within the framework of this multidisciplinary endeavour, physicists, material scientists, engineers and computer scientists are working together across the entire spectrum of quantum computing, from hardware to software. This collaboration includes the EPFL, ETHZ, University of Konstanz, and the NCCR’s home institution, the University of Basel. IBM Research and Roche are also involved.
Further information on the NCCR:
Contact details
Prof. Dominik Zumbühl
Director of NCCR SPIN
Universität Basel
Departement Physik
Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056 Basel
Phone: +41 (0) 61 207 36 93
Email: dominik.zumbuhl@unibas.chNCCR Directorate
Prof. Dr. Daniel Loss
Co-Director of NCCR SPIN
Universität Basel
Departement Physik
Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056 Basel
Phone: +41 (0) 61 207 37 49
Email: daniel.loss@unibas.chNCCR‐Management
Department of Physics
Universität Basel
Departement Physik
Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056 Basel
Email: info@nccr-spin.chFunding
Financing 2020 – 2023 (Swiss francs)
Funding source
SNSF grant
Funds from the University of Basel
Group funds of the project participants
(available in 2025)
External funds
(available in 2025)
NCCRs are financed through grants awarded by the SNSF, but also from other sources. The home institution involved in the NCCR also contributes a substantial amount of money. The available overall budget of the NCCR is further increased by monetary contributions from the project participants and third-party funds, which are generally invested by industrial companies.
Contact at SNSF
Contact person at the SNF:
Dr. Stefan Bachmann
Swiss National Science Foundation
Wildhainweg 3
3001 Bern
Phone: +41 (0) 31 308 23 49