Katrin Milzow is the new member of the Executive Management

From April 2024, Katrin Milzow will head the SNSF's Research Development Department.
© Adrian Moser / SNF

From April 2024, Katrin Milzow will head the SNSF's Research Development Department. Her responsibilities will include promoting thematic and long-term research.

Katrin Milzow has built up and headed the SNSF's Strategy Section since 2008. In this role, she also performs various tasks in cooperation with partner organisations. She played a key role in the national strategy for Open Research Data and is co-director of the International Institute for Research on Research.

Katrin Milzow grew up in French-speaking Switzerland and is bilingual in French and German. After studying in Oxford and Brussels, she completed her doctorate at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) with a dissertation on European policy.

As a member of the Executive Management, Katrin Milzow will be able to draw on her many years of experience in strategic issues linked to research funding. From April 2024, she will head the SNSF's Research Development Department. In this role, she will be responsible for the promotion of long-term research and thematic research, as well as cross-cutting issues such as sustainability, equal opportunities and Open Science.

As a new member of the SNSF's Executive Management, Katrin Milzow replaces Laetitia Philippe, who has been heading the National Research and Innovation Division at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) since October 2023.