Interdisciplinary research: 19 new Sinergia projects approved

The SNSF will fund 19 new Sinergia projects with a total amount of 42.4 million Swiss francs.

74 Sinergia applications were submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) by 1 June 2017. All in all, they cover 81 disciplines. 21% thereof are in the humanities and social sciences, 38% in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering, and 41% in biology and medicine. With 19 projects obtaining a grant, the success rate was 25%.

Overall, the applicants requested financial resources amounting to 167 million Swiss francs. The funds requested in the approved proposals were cut by 7% on average. 84% of the grantees work at a Swiss university or ETH, 3% at a university of applied sciences or at a hospital that is not affiliated with a university, and 13% at a university abroad.

With its Sinergia grants, the SNSF promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between two to four research groups whose projects are expected to deliver groundbreaking insights ("breakthrough research").

Sinergia – interdisciplinary, collaborative and breakthrough