51 Eccellenza awards for top early-career researchers

With its new Eccellenza funding scheme, the SNSF supports outstanding researchers on the path to a permanent professorship.

239 researchers submitted an application for the first Eccellenza call in February 2018. The SNSF has decided to fund 51 projects for five years with an average budget of 1.6 million francs, or 83 million in total. "These generous awards enable researchers to conduct research projects under optimum conditions. The success of the call highlights the great potential of young researchers in our country," says Marcel Kullin, head of the Careers division of the SNSF.

The awardees will take up their activities at eight Swiss universities and both federal institutes of technology. 35% are women.

On the road to a permanent professorship

With its Eccellenza funding scheme, the SNSF is increasing its support for highly qualified young researchers.

  • Like the former SNSF professorships funding scheme, the 37 SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships will support researchers who are working towards obtaining a permanent professorship. The SNSF will cover their project expenses as well as their salaries at the predefined rate for assistant professors at their higher education institution.
  • With the 14 SNSF Eccellenza Grants the SNSF will support projects by researchers whose assistant professorships are already funded by the higher education institution and offer the prospect of a permanent position (tenure track).

Strengthening research in Switzerland

"Thanks to Eccellenza, outstanding young researchers get an opportunity to advance their careers by conducting an independent project with their own team," says Marcel Kullin. "This makes it more likely that they will stay in academia and go on to strengthen Swiss research."