Coming together for European research collaboration
The Limitation Initiative launched by the SVP/UDC (Swiss People’s Party) poses a threat to research in Switzerland. The SNSF opposes the initiative and calls on the research community likewise to stand up for Europe-wide scientific cooperation.
On 27 September 2020, the Swiss electorate will be voting on the initiative “For moderate immigration into Switzerland”. Adoption of the Limitation Initiative would mean the end of the Bilateral Agreements I, and at the same time jeopardise two treaties with the EU which are of crucial importance to research in Switzerland: the treaties on the free movement of people and on research.
In order to highlight the significance of European research collaboration for Switzerland, #ScienceNeeds Europe will be dominating our social media platforms over the weeks to come. We will be publishing curated media articles, live tweets of events and reports from researchers to show how everything interacts and to stress the importance of this issue.
In addition, we ask the research community to support our efforts and use their own online and offline networks to address the concerns of research and how it benefits Switzerland. Tell your acquaintances about your personal experiences, post pictures of research stays abroad on Instagram and exchange tweets. Until 27 September we will be closely following hashtag #ScienceNeedsEurope on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and supporting your contributions with our broad reach.
Event tweets
The SNSF will accompany the following events on Twitter:
- Friday, 21 August at 22:25 a.m.: the SRF TV programme “Arena”
Monika Rühl, Chairwoman of the Executive Board of economiesuisse, will be speaking on behalf of the research sector and presenting its arguments. - Thursday, 27 August 2020 at 9:30 a.m.: a press briefing by SNSF, the ETH Board, swissuniversities, Innosuisse and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
The event can be followed live on the SNSF Twitter channel or watched later.