Twelve new MD-PhD grants awarded

Doctors can do an MD-PhD in natural sciences, public health sciences, clinical research or biomedical ethics.

Out of the 25 candidates proposed by the local MD-PhD commissions at the five university hospitals, the national MD-PhD commission has awarded a grant to twelve young doctors who are interested in research.

Three organisations are sponsoring the grants in 2021: the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS), which leads the initiative, will finance two grants, the Swiss cancer research foundation (KFS) three and the SNSF seven.

The grants are awarded for a maximum of three years.

The following persons have been awarded a grant:

  • Julien Angelillo, Département de pathologie et d’immunologie, HUG, Genève (KFS)
  • Louis-Emmanuel Chriqui, Service de chirurgie thoracique, CHUV, Lausanne (KFS) 
  • Morgane Decollogny, Institut für Tierpathologie, Vetsuisse, Universität Bern (SNF)
  • Manuel Egle, Department for Biomedical Research, Cardiovascular Surgery, Universität Bern/Inselspital (SNF)
  • Corinne Eicher, Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich (SNF)
  • Felix Gerber, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel (SNF) 
  • Tim Jonas Hallenberger, Klinik für Neurochirurgie, Universitätsspital Basel (SAMW)
  • Sarah Jungius, Departement Biomedizin, Universität Basel (SNF)
  • Benedict Morin, Departement Biomedizin, Universität Basel (SNF)
  • Simon Schading, Zentrum für Paraplegie, Universitätsklinik Balgrist (SNF)
  • Ramon Stäger, Dermatologische Klinik, Universitätsspital Zürich (KFS)
  • Katia Steinfeld, Laboratory for Investigative Neurophysiology, CHUV, Lausanne (SAMW)