The new code of conduct for scientific integrity is here

Swiss academic organisations have jointly updated the scientific integrity rules. They apply to all researchers funded by the SNSF.

What is scientific integrity? What is considered misconduct? To take account of the rapid developments in science and maintain quality standards in research, the SNSF, together with swissuniversities and Innosuisse and under the auspices of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, has drawn up a new code of conduct for scientific integrity. It is intended to promote a culture that upholds the basic principles of reliability, honesty, respect and accountability. The document is addressed to all researchers and lecturers as well as their institutions and funding organisations in Switzerland.

The new code supersedes the principles and procedures issued by the Academies in 2008. Since then, the public has become more critical, social media has become more important and data volumes have increased. The document simplifies cooperation across institutions by defining uniform and binding minimum standards throughout Switzerland. It also standardises procedural steps such as arbitration, investigation, sanction and appeal. This should serve to minimise conflict. The strict rules of the SNSF still apply.​