Switzerland and Croatia have collaborated on eleven research projects
The joint research programme between the two countries, launched on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, ended in December 2023.
The Croatian-Swiss Research Programme, launched in 2017, ended in December 2023. Co-financed by the two countries, it supported eleven projects to the tune of four million Swiss francs. Implemented by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in collaboration with the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the programme was part of the Swiss contribution to the enlarged EU. It aimed to promote research and scientific collaboration between Switzerland and Croatia.
Homelessness study
The call was thematically open and the joint research projects focused on various disciplines, such as psychology, mathematics, biochemistry, agronomy and civil engineering.
In the social sciences, a team looked at the issue of homelessness in Switzerland and Croatia. Using the example of four cities, it studied the range of causes and trajectories that lead to this situation. The Swiss researchers benefited from the experience of their counterparts in Croatia, where homelessness research is more advanced. The collaboration was also very interesting because Croatian cities are similar in size to Swiss cities and therefore lend themselves well to comparisons.