SNSF Starting Grants

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Lead your independent project and your team in Switzerland.

Researchers interested in submitting an application with a Swiss host institution can now take part in the ERC Starting Grants 2025. In addition, the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 will continue to enable researchers to lead and manage an independent project and a research team in Switzerland (For more information, see the news published on 12.07.2024).

The SNSF will launch the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 on 15 October 2024 with a submission deadline of 15 January 2025. Interested researchers can now access the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 call document here (PDF). The information on this website, including the confirmation letter from the higher education institution or research institution, will be updated with the launch of the call.

Due to Switzerland’s status as a non-associated third country in the Horizon Europe programme, the federal government mandated the SNSF to launch the funding scheme "SNSF Starting Grants 2024". This integrative call is a transitional measure covering the ERC Starting Grants 2024 as well as the former SNSF funding schemes Eccellenza and PRIMA.

An SNSF Starting Grant comes after several years of research after the PhD, or an equivalent qualification or medical degree, during which time the grantees have already conducted research independently and contributed to impactful research in their field.

The scheme is open to all disciplines and topics; researchers of any nationality may apply. Applicants can request a budget of up to CHF 1.8 million for a period of five years.

With an SNSF Starting Grant, grantees will lead an independent research project and direct a team of researchers in Switzerland.

  • Participation requirements

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    You meet the personal requirements for this call if:

    After your PhD defence:

    • You have at least 2 years of research experience
    • You submit your application no more than 8 years after the date of your PhD defence.

    After your medical degree (state examination or equivalent):

    • You have at least 3 years of clinical work and at least 2 years of research experience
    • You submit your application no more than 12 years after obtaining your medical degree.

    After your PhD equivalent, defined as 3 years of research activity after obtaining the higher education degree:

    • You have at least 2 years of research experience
    • You submit your application no more than 8 years after obtaining a qualification equivalent to a PhD.

    The time periods are calculated based on the submission deadline.

    Please also consult the Call Document (PDF) to determine your eligibility.

    Repeated submission

    Applicants whose project was rejected in the SNSF Starting Grants call may again submit an application regardless of the topic of the project and its evaluation. In addition, applicants whose project was rejected in the second evaluation phase for the SNSF Starting Grants 2023 may submit a third application to the SNSF Starting Grants 2024 call.

    Position and salary

    Higher education institutions that offer assistant professorships must offer at least such a position and title for the duration of the grant. Applicants who do not already have such a secured position should request funding for their salary at the level of assistant professor via the SNSF Starting Grant. It can be either the full salary or part of the salary in case of the salary partly covered by other funds.

    Research institutions that do not offer assistant professor positions and titles, must offer a position involving independent project and management responsibility (“group leader position”) for the duration of the grant. Applicants who do not already have such a secured position request funding for their salary at the level of group leader via the SNSF Starting Grant. It can be either the full salary or part of the salary in case of the salary partly covered by other funds.

  • How to

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    Please consider the following important points when preparing and submitting an application:

    Uploading the application:

    Multiple applications and duplicate funding:

    Eligible and non-eligible costs:

  • Higher education institution

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    The higher education institution has to sign the confirmation letter (template (PDF) for the 2024 call is here).

  • Evaluation procedure

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    A scientific Steering Committee, set up by the Presiding Board of the National Research Council, oversees the evaluation and funding activities related to the SNSF Starting Grant Call. It also ensures application of the SNSF’s best practices and compliance regarding conflicts of interest. It is composed of the president of the National Research Council, independent external experts of each research domain (humanities and social sciences; biology and medicine; mathematics, natural and engineering sciences) and members of the Specialized Committee Careers. The evaluation of the submitted proposals is based on the principle of competition. Discipline-specific panels will evaluate the proposals in a two-phase procedure.

    The applications are assessed and rated based on the submitted documents for phase 1 and based on the additional external peer reviews and interviews for phase 2.

  • Guidelines and regulations

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    Ethics and integrity:

    Research activities and methods that have ethical implications or may raise questions requiring sound ethical assessment must be declared on mySNFExternal Link Icon. Hence, please take note of the Swiss laws and ethical standards. Furthermore, the rules of scientific integrity must be respected.

    Transitional measures of the SNSF:

  • Members of the evaluation bodies

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  • Supplementary measures

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  • FAQ

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    Where can I find the information needed to create a proposal?

    The Call document and other important information can be found under "Participation requirements".

    Is it possible to extend the eligibility period in special circumstances?

    The time window for submission of an SNSF Starting Grant proposal can be extended if the applicant has suffered a delay due to one of the reasons stated in Art. 1.11 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF).

    What is the difference between the academic age and the net academic age?

    The academic age indicates how much time has passed since the doctorate. It is relevant for calculating the time window in accordance with the personal requirements (see Call document). On the other hand, the net academic age (calculated automatically in the new CV format) indicates how much time you have been able to spend doing research since your doctorate; it is taken into account in the evaluation. Hence the net academic age cannot be used to calculate the eligibility window.

    Why does the SNSF require a new CV format?

    The SNSF has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which recommends that funders be explicit about the criteria they use to evaluate the scientific productivity of applicants, taking due account of the scientific quality, value and impact of their entire research output (including datasets, software, prototypes) in addition to research publications.

    Where can I find information on the new CV format?

    You can find additional information on the new CV format here. To create the new CV, click on the following linkExternal Link Icon. (See also: A new CV).

    My Ambizione, PRIMA or Eccellenza grant is still ongoing. Can I apply for an SNSF Starting Grant?

    You can submit an application for an SNSF Starting Grant while receiving an Ambizione, PRIMA or Eccellenza grant. The research projects must address clearly distinguishable topics. It will also be evaluated whether you are in a position to make substantial contributions to each of the research projects. If your salary needs to be covered by the SNSF for the duration of the grant (Ambizione, PRIMA or Eccellenza, and SNSF Starting Grant), you should request your full salary under the SNSF Starting Grant.

    Are any exceptions possible for an SNSF Starting Grant regarding the minimum of two years' research work required after the doctorate?

    No exceptions can be granted. This requirement needs to be met by the submission deadline, with the date of the exam or thesis defense being the relevant date.

    Can I have an SNSF Starting Grant and an SNSF project or Ambizione proposal under evaluation at the same time?

    You can submit an SNSF Starting Grant proposal and an SNSF project or Ambizione proposal. Both grants will only be funded if the research projects clearly address separate topics and you are in a position to make substantial contributions to each of the research projects.

    I have an interdisciplinary project that I cannot easily categorize into one research field and a main and sub-discipline(s) on mySNF. What do I need to consider?

    The interdisciplinary character of your proposal will be taken into account during the evaluation. Depending on the choice of research field, your proposal will be evaluated in one of the following three research domains: Social Sciences and Humanities, Mathematics, Information Technology, Natural Sciences and Technology and Life Science. If your project is situated at the intersection between these domains, you should go to “Basic data I” on mySNF and choose the research field according to where you primarily want the proposal to be evaluated. The main referee will then be assigned from the selected research field, while the co-referees may be assigned from the further research field(s).

    My application is linked to a research institution that does not offer assistant professorships; can I still apply for an SNSF Starting Grant 2024 without the guarantee of such a position during the grant?

    Yes. For institutions that do not offer assistant professor positions, an equivalent position involving independent project and management responsibilities ("group leader position") is accepted.

    Can I apply for only a portion of my salary if my research institution covers the remaining portion?

    Yes, that is possible. However, the salary may not exceed a 100% position (1 FTE).

    What happens if I obtain a professorship or a group leader position and my salary is covered by the SNSF Starting Grant?

    You must inform the SNSF accordingly. If the professorship or group leader position is in Switzerland, you may generally continue to use the project funds. The remaining funds of your salary must be refunded to the SNSF.

    Can I resubmit an SNSF Starting Grant application even if my project was rejected?

    Applicants whose project was rejected in the SNSF Starting Grants call may again submit an application regardless of the topic of the project and its evaluation. In addition, applicants whose project was rejected in the second evaluation phase for the SNSF Starting Grants 2023 may submit a third application to the SNSF Starting Grants 2024 call.

    I am a clinician researcher. Does the SNSF cover the salary for my clinical activity?

    For clinically active researchers, the SNSF covers the share of the salary awarded for the research work. The share for clinical work must be financed by the research institution/hospital and is not covered by the SNSF.

    What happens to my SNSF Starting Grant if I am appointed to a higher education institution abroad?

    Applications to transfer project funds from an SNSF Starting Grant to move abroad (see also "Money follows Researcher" procedure) are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Salary components of the grantee are not remitted abroad. As a rule, such applications can only be submitted to the SNSF two years after the start of the grant. 

    Can I transfer my entire grant to a new research institution in Switzerland?

    If you want to transfer your grant to another institution, including the funds covering your salary, contact the SNSF explaining the reasons for the move as well as its added value for your project or your career. A written request submitted by the grantee should include the following documents:

    • Like the initial research institution, the new research institution must provide confirmation letters.
    • The original research institution submits a written statement on the change.

    The SNSF evaluates the request by taking into account the project’s feasibility or the relevance to pursue your career in the new institution.

    What happens to my grant if I take on a new job outside of academic research?

    You must inform the SNSF accordingly. The SNSF terminates the grant. The remaining amount of the grant must be refunded to the SNSF.

    Are the family allowances paid by the employer included in the maximum amount of the SNSF Starting Grants instrument?

    If you, as an employee, are entitled to family allowances paid by your employer that were granted before you submitted your application, the family allowances are not included in the maximum amount of CHF 1.8 million. Family allowances can be added to this cap.

    If you become a parent during the evaluation or in the course of the grant, the SNSF will, upon written request, settle the negative balance at the end of the grant that arose due to the payment of the family allowance.

    Am I allowed to apply for an ERC Synergy grant and an SNSF Starting Grant in parallel?

    You may submit a proposal for an ERC Synergy grant and an SNSF Starting Grant in parallel. To both be funded, the projects must address clearly different subjects, and you must be able to devote a sufficient amount of time to your SNSF Starting Grant project (cf. paragraph 1.4 of the Call document (PDF)).

    Can I apply for an SNSF Consolidator Grant and an SNSF Starting Grant at the same time?

    Yes, you can apply for an SNSF Starting Grant and an SNSF Consolidator Grant in parallel. However, you cannot conduct an SNSF Starting Grant and an SNSF Consolidator Grant project at the same time. You would therefore have to choose between the two grants if you were awarded both.

    Can I reduce my full-time employment due to family care duties?

    The SNSF acknowledges that family care duties are not always compatible with a full-time employment. Thus, working part-time (min. 0.8 FTE) while being paid by an SNSF grant is possible. In order to give grantees working part-time due to family care duties the opportunity to extend the duration of the funding period, all grantees should be aware of the possibility of planning and submitting their application with a full-time employment. Grantees may request to change their worktime percentage at any time upon approval of the grant.

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