Weave / Lead Agency / International Co-Investigator Scheme
Want to launch a research project with partners abroad? Three agreements simplify the submission and evaluation of such proposals: Weave, Lead Agency and International Co-Investigator.
These three types of agreements are embedded in the SNSF's project funding scheme. Weave, Lead Agency and International Co-Investigator offer the following advantage: projects with international partners are evaluated by a single funder, either the SNSF or the relevant agency abroad. Researchers submit only one transnational proposal instead of several to different national agencies. This saves a lot of time and effort on all sides.
Proposals with applicants from a country with which the SNSF has mutual agreements must be submitted as WEAVE/Lead Agency/International Co-Investigator Scheme proposals.
Multilateral Weave agreements with the following countries
Bilateral Lead Agency agreements with the following countries and regions
International Co-Investigator agreements with the following countries:
- Denmark
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Sweden (Swedish Research Council)
- UK (humanities and social sciences only)
Eligibility requirements
For Weave, Lead Agency and International Co-Investigator Scheme projects, the eligibility requirements for SNSF project funding apply.
How to apply
Find out more on the project funding web page.
Weave/Lead Agency applications that the SNSF is to evaluate as Lead Agency must be submitted via the SNSF Portal. Applications must also be submitted to the foreign funding organisations within seven days of the submission via the SNSF Portal.
Weave/Lead Agency applications that are to be evaluated by the respective partner organisation as Lead Agency must be submitted to them directly. You must submit the applications via mySNF within seven days of submission to the partner organisation.
Further information can be found on the country-specific pages.
Here you will find answers to questions about Weave, Lead Agency and International Co-Investigator Scheme. Further information can be found on the country-specific pages. If you have additional questions about these agreements, please contact the SNSF Administrative Offices.
Which grants from which funding schemes count as project funding grants in the sense of Article 13.1 of the Regulations on project funding?
Grants from the following funding schemes count towards the limit of concurrent grants in project funding: Ambizione, Eccellenza, European Partnerships and other multilateral initiatives (except Belmont Forum and transatlantic platform for social sciences and humanities), Practice to Science, PRIMA, Projects on health and wellbeing, Project funding, Sinergia, SNSF Professorships and Weave / Lead Agency / International Co-Investigator Scheme.
See the list of all funding schemes here (PDF).
Can I resubmit a rejected Sinergia application?
Yes, you can resubmit a rejected Sinergia application, but now as a project funding application. Researchers were able to submit applications for funding under Sinergia one last time in April 2023. In summer 2023, the SNSF integrated the Sinergia programme into its project funding scheme. By doing so, we have grouped together collaborative and interdisciplinary research in our main funding scheme in order to provide even better support for this type of project.
Does the limit of 250,000 francs per applicant per year apply to each applicant individually?
No, the applicants can divide the funding among themselves. The average total expenditure must not exceed the limit of 250,000 francs per applicant per year.
This rule also applies to applicants from abroad who apply for the International Co-Investigator Scheme. Please note that the budget requested by these applicants may not exceed 50 per cent (30 per cent for SSH projects with the UK) of the total budget requested.
In the case of Weave/Lead Agency applications, the budgets for applicants from abroad are not part of the grant approved by the SNSF. The SNSF does not cover any costs incurred in the country of the applicant from abroad.